Thursday, May 30, 2013

Don't Hide

I know it is the second post
of the day but i thought it was
important to do this one too. 
Its an interesting world , you know. Life has many ups and downs and everyone has to go through them. I am not writing this post for the sake of it. I am writing this post because of a friend of mine(please don't ask who{even to my mom and dad}. :p) is going through a tough situation and he doesn't know how to come out of it. 
If you believe that life is destined , then that is the greatest lie. You write your own destiny. Holding a pencil or a pen is something we learned only after we reached the age of 2-3 but we all had started writing OUR OWN destiny after we had opened our eyes. Even though initially our parents had helped up to hold the pen straight we were the ones writing it. 
Destiny is a word which we humans have created to fool each other. Destiny is in our own hands.
 Look at your hand. Some people believe the marks you see on your hand depicts how you live your life but it is really the marks you make that depicts your life. 

Everyone has their moments in life. It maybe that when i am having a great moment in my life someone else is having his worst but we shouldn't keep our heads down. We should look up, and only up. 
Pessimism isn't the answer to everything, and we have to understand that. Everyone has that moment in their life with which they think there is no use of living. They may even lock themselves in their room and keep themselves away from everyone else but that isn't going to help and that is what we have to understand. 
As from the Oscar winning movie Hugo - 
"If we think the world is a machine , then we are all its parts and whenever we get a machine, we get the exact amount of parts needed. No more, no less. That means everyone has a role to play in this world. "
Every part of a machine has its own function and is not of waste. But what happens if a part of a machine stops working? The whole machine stops. That is what we have to understand. We may think 'How will it make the difference?'. Well, it will . 
If a leg of a table thinks that it wouldn't make a difference if it were there in the world or not and goes away what will happen? The table will fall and then so will your importance. 

In the machine, if a part stops working what do we do?We call the mechanic who takes out the part which has stopped working and throws it away putting a new one. 
If an incident makes you feel very terrible , you may weep for some time but what you have to realize is that you have to stand back up. If you don't someone else will take your place.You won't have any importance. So stand up all of those who think they can't do it because it is all of you who have the largest to climb but it is all of you who have the eagerness to reach the top, to show the world that even you can do it without the help of those who have left you, who have broken your hearts and those who haven't trusted you. The advantage of falling at the bottom is huge. It is that you have nowhere else to go but up-up and up. 
Ignoring people and not talking to those around you won't make you feel better, it will only make you feel that no one cares about you making your situation more crucial. If you have people around you who can be there to help you with everything you need, to strive for gaining your happiness , then why give away such an opportunity. Take it and use it to your best. If you can't get up, then take help but don't just lay on the ground, engulfed by darkness.
Be Optimistic and show the world your inner capability. Then you will be remember by all as the one who stood up, even when everyone was pushing you down and then you stood up and everyone just saw you as you went past them and reach the top. 
Don't loose confidence, don't feel alone, don't think negative and express your emotions. If you do so , you will feel the change. I can't say anything more. Now it is your decision. The pen is in your hands and the canvas in front of you. It is your choice to accept it or decline.


Dog Days...

The world has 8.7 million species dwelling in and around the Earth but out of these million there are only a few which come into my list of most adorable animals in this wide biosphere. They are penguins, pandas, cats, clown fishes and a creature which has newly been added to this list-the Harp Seal. 

The harp seal is more of an animated animal in looks which makes it so much cuter. We humans find even the ugliest of  in real life adorable in an animated form. For example there is this creature called the Sloth which is very ugly in real life but when animated becomes adorable.
Real life
But that is not my topic today friends. Another name which I didn't mention on the list but is on the top of all the others is "The man's best friend". The odd thing about that statement is that it refers to a ' man's ' best friend i.e. they ain't so friendly with females. That's true in a way  , you see. All of those women who have dogs at their home would be the one cleaning the dog's shit and taking it to the washroom while the guys just cuddle it and have fun. 
Anyways, Dogs are the best  animals i have encountered yet and they have always made my heart skip a beat. I know i am sounding a bit like a girl but i can't do anything. I just love dogs. I don't know what it is in these 4 legged creatures but for me, they are just adorable. 
The thing is i have always wanted a dog for years but mo and dad will never buy me one. They have loads of excuses which i have to say yes to so my dream of having one still remains a dream.
The not having of a dog had made me so made for years that in between, i would just get on my 4 legs and walk around the house and sniff stuff and bark. I know you may think that sounds insane and insane it is but what else can i do ? I WANT A DOG  and that's the bottom line. 

As we know all wishes don't come true but i had received a news from my dad a few days ago which made me jump on my toes. If you are thinking that i am getting a dog , then i am sorry but it is not. It ain't that good a surprise but a chance you won't like to miss. There is this friend of my dad's Ramesh Uncle who had bought a pocket Pomeranian a couple of months ago. Its name is 'Gunda' which when translated to English would be 'Thief'. I don't know why they named such a cute dog Gunda but i have heard worse names for dogs. 
There is this classmate of mine who has 2 dogs called 'Vodka' and 'Whisky'. That's not all, there is this celebrity called Naomi Watts whose dog's name is Chicken.
You see , there is no problem in giving your dog a wacky name or a celebrity name. The only thing is if you keep a celebrity name don't create an awkward combination. Naming a 'Puli' (that is a breed) 'Bob Marley'* is completely perfect but calling a Bulldog Justin Bieber won't work. 

The thing is Ramesh Uncle and his family are going to Kerala next week and so they were asking dad if we could take care of it. I had an immediate yes in my mind but mom had to go through all formalities. In the end i said that i was ready to take full care of Gunda and that they have nothing to worry about. After some time my mom finally accepted that she would also enjoy if we had Gunda here for a week.
A week with a dog. I think my wish is slowly going to come true. It is just that it would be going step by step and this is the first step.
Its funny how my hate for dogs when i was young evolved to liking them so much at such an extent. 
When i was young i could sense it from even a mile away that a dog was waiting for me, smelling my footprints and approaching closer to me second by second just to rip me off into pieces. That was what i really used to think about dogs. Later on, after a couple of years my way of thinking changed. Now it said "A dog won't do anything to you if you don't do anything to it. Just stay calm and be cool." That thought helped me for a long time but ended during the last few months of 2010.
I was going to this party with my friends and I and my friends Akshay and Raghav were with me. We had to pick up this guy Robin from his place but the thing was there were 4-5 dogs in his area. With all confidence I and Akshay went into his block and went up the flight of steps. By the time I and Akshay were coming back down with Robin Raghav started throwing stones at the dogs from outside the gate. The barks were out of rhythm but were very loud. But it was too late for me, I had already got down the stairs. A  dog which must have really been going towards Raghav was blocked by me and his jaws caught my thighs. I wiggled my leg to get the dog off me and swiftly ran outside the gate. From that day i know that dogs can bite without any reason.
So , the moral of the story is - "Street dogs can piss you off but pet dogs are adorable."
I and my brother had decided after a very long discussion that IF we get a dog we would name it either "Oreo" (for a small dog) or "Salvador"(for a big dog). *All rights reserved for those names. Copying of those names will lead to high punishment*   
I am really excited about this dog thing and i am sure that i will write about my experience with Gunda later on in my post next week so please be waiting. 
I don't know who all are there who really read this blog of mine but i keep my head up high.
Have a good day all of you. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Happy Summer Vacations to all of you ... And sorry to all those parent who have to see their children relax at home all day while they have to go to office.
I have passed 9th but not with such great grades. My CGPA was just 9 which MAYBE a lot for some students but not at all good for a guy like me. I used to bring marks like 94% and 95% but my performance has substantially gone down in the previous two years but I can't be so careless in tenth. I have to put my best and will work hard till I reach the end of this tunnel. 

I know the next pair of tunnels which i will enter (11th and 12th Class) would be much more darker but as darker a tunnel gets, the happier you get when you see the light at the end of it. 
You see, there are these 3 moments of my school years which I always wanted to go through in my life for the past many years. They were Firstly, to see my class 10th results ; Second, to experience the 'so called large jump' between 10th class and 11th;
Last , seeing my class 12th results.
That's a long way from now, the interesting part is that I had a couple of very interesting weeks in school before the school closed.

Once upon a time there was a tenth grade boy who lived his life as a normal person would but he didn't know that his life was about to change.
As a normal class 10 student would, he woke up to go to school and   did his normal morning chores not knowing that that day was going to start a new journey in his life.He wasn't going to remain the simple boy he was at the time he was sleeping at home that morning.  In his school, every section would have 4 prefects. He had  been a prefect for 3 years previously but he didn't have a good impression on his present class teacher and thus didn't have any hope of being chosen as a prefect by her but when the results came, he was shocked. On the list was written -"Niranjan R. Bharati"
He was dumbfounded. It was his dream to be a prefect in  class 9 and 10 and he got both his wishes. The thing was, in his school the prefects of class  9 were allowed to stand for the post of Vice Head Prefect and class 10 prefects for Head Prefect. 
Even though in class 9 he had tried to give an application for Vice Head Prefect he was too late but he wasn't going to miss this opportunity. The day he was told that he was a prefect, he went home and typed down his application to stand for the post of Head Boy, but the thing he forgot was that no one was going to let this opportunity get out of hand.
The day all the boys who had given the application were asked to come to the conference room for their interview he was awestruck by seeing all 20 prefects of class ten standing in front of him in a line. His confidence had finished but hopes hadn't died. He knew, that if he had the potential he would get it and that is what made him stand there on his feet with a hunger in his heart to grab that post. 

The moment before he stood in front of the conference room, his heart raced but his mind was calm. And at last, that moment came when the teacher called  him in. His nervousness reached a completely new level.He saw teachers staring at him with their big eyes hoping to see a worthy candidate in front of them , but he had erase his mind and be cool. 
"Please sit down Niranjan." the teacher requested.
She could see the spec of nervousness in his eyes.
"Tell us about yourself and why you think you are worthy to be the Head Prefect?"
'A typical question. I know the answer to that.' His mind raced.
"Good Morning . I am Niranjan R. Bharati of class X-D and i am here to stand for the post of the Head Prefect. I have been a prefect for  3 years and this is my 4th year so compared to others , i have a bit more experience. But that is not all, I keep my duties above friends and that's not what i just say, I have proof with me.(---can't tell the example as it might the feeling of the person who i have referred to---) " 
'With great power comes great responsibilities' is a quote we have all heard but i take this quote in a different perspective. Not only the Head Prefect or the Vice Head Prefect have this great power, it is vested in every single Prefect and SRC in this middle section. If a prefect wants he can do the same work a Head Prefect does, it is just that he should believe in himself and have that fire in him. That faith and fire can be found in me if you try to dig deep inside. Even if i am not the Head Prefect, i won't loose this fire and i will move on."
A pinch of satisfaction arose in his heart as the teachers thanked him and told him to leave.But as he started taking his first few steps out of that room he started realizing that it wasn't that good. He was nervous and that could easily be seen in his eyes . The satisfaction died and emerged sorrow. He had lost one of those opportunities which are meant saving. 
Later, the next day there was an announcement that there would be a 2nd round for the post for Head and Vice Head Prefect and only 4 names are short listed for each post.
'No Hopes.' was what came to his mind but when the names came he was one.
Shaurya Aggarawal
Vibhu Sehgal
Niranjan R. Bharati
Shivam Parashar
Thanking God wasn't enough. But another pessimistic thought arose in his mind - Out of these , Shivam was last year's Vice Head Prefect and Shaurya has a great impression on almost all teachers. Vibhu is no less, he has been an all rounder, good in swimming as well as academics. 
But he had that 'fire' still lit in him and he confidently went to the conference room for ROUND 2.
This time the number of teachers in the room had increased and later did he realize that just beside the table he sat in was the Headmistress. His nervousness went up the charts but he gulped it in and sat firm and confident. 
"Niranjan, why do you think you are better than the people standing outside?"
The couple of seconds of complete silence ended with him quickly speaking of what came first in his mouth other than keeping quiet for longer and increasing the awkwardness.
"I believe that i have the potential to see through a problem and find its core. I believe in destroying the core of the problem which would end in destroying all other sub-problems.
"And, i am an Achiever and a Believer. What i believe that i can do , i do my best to Achieve it. And that is why i am sitting in front of all of you right now. To achieve what i believe i can get. "
 could see some satisfaction in the eyes of the teachers which brought confidence in him. When he came out of the room he was happy and confident . He had a pinch of hope that he would get it.
But what he had forgot was that everyone's interview had gone well and all hoped of making it.
But the journey wasn't over, the next announcement declared a 3rd round which had frustrated the 4 of them. 
And again , to his amazement he was short listed to the top 3. Vibhu was left out. 
This was the final destination, who had imagined that he would reach the top 3 short listed for the post of Head Prefect. Now his inner soul was happy, it didn't matter if he had got it or not. For him he had passed his own expectations.
Those couple of seconds he was made to stand outside that conference room were the longest seconds he had lived. His entry and exit from that room would change his destiny.With all courage he entered that room and stood there in front of everyone. Everyone stared at him but he was just looking at one thing and one thing only- the post of the Head Prefect.
"Niranjan, tell me. If you have heard rumors that pornographic magazines are being distributed what will you do?"
He had the immediate reply, "If they are being distributed the children doing his must go under strict actions but the tougher task is finding the students involved in it. As we know they can't be exchanged in class as it is easily noticeable so either they would be doing it in the washrooms or after school. Regular check of bags and such places must be done so that such children are caught before they get  too involved in it."
"Okay, think we have got the child who has been caught doing this. What should we do with him?" they asked.
Still his fire blazed as he gave back an answer-
"The parents must be informed about this immediately and this activity isn't something like 'talking regularly in class' or 'abusing and making fun of religion'. It is something children are completely not suppose to do and is something which will stay in the mind of a parent for a long time so the parents are the one who would be taking strict action against them."
"Okay, if you are the head boy how will you manage that there is duty being done regularly ?"
"Ma'am, a strict daily check would be done by me and my team and i would act like the central figure. If any incident occurs in an area i would first go to the prefect or SRC on duty there and if he doesn't have a clear sketch of what is happening their it proves that he wasn't alert. When you are on duty you have to forget your friends and just be alert. Also i would be taking a written record from the prefects on duty every fortnight about what all is happening around him. If someone is not on duty i would like a written permission from him telling why he was not on duty. "
"Thank You Niranjan."
That Thank you ended my initial journey. Now the train had stopped and all were waiting for the announcement for the arrival of the next train. The problem was the next train only had one seat vacant and they were three. 
And finally the day of the announcement came.
"After days of discussion, we have chosen the Vice Head Prefect and the Head Prefect. The Vice Head Prefect from class IX C is Aakash Dutt!!! "
Shouts of joy could be heard around the whole school.
"... And Head Prefect is ..."
His heart beat fell down.
"... Niranjan R. Bharati of X D."
His heart skipped a beat as he couldn't believe that he was just chosen as the Head Prefect of his school. 
He had just caught the other train while others hadn't.

That day was amazing. When mom came to pick me up that day i coolly sat in the car and told mom, "Mom, i need to make a speech for Head Prefect."
"You have another round?!" she sounded irritated.
"No, I am the Head Boy."
The car stopped and she looked back at me ,"Really?!"
"Aah!Congratulations ... Call Dad..."
And on it went.
 But this begins a new Journey and a new journey starts with a new beginning and with a new beginning there is a new protagonist written by an author. I am this author and it is in my hands to decide where to take this protagonist, to success or failure.
 My mission begins now.
My school tie

Friday, May 24, 2013


The world is a tree so big
and i, ain't even its tiny twig.
Wanting to reach the scales up high,
but i just sit alone and sigh.

no one to comfort me in dusk or dawn,
asking for help i go awn and awn.
thats when you come and greet me with a 'hi',
And i can tell you everything, nothing to lie.

Either the tree just grew small
or i suddenly grew a bit tall.
but for me, now the height ain't high,
and your presence makes me try.

you never leave me alone,
you ain't a pebble or a stone.
When the world tells me to achieve,
you help me to achieve.
you all should be kept safely in a bank,
but as i can't this is how i thank.
