Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Science Vs. Philosophy

Its taken me some time to sit in front of my desktop and dwell into the deepest parts of my mind to discover something interesting for the Nothingness to read in my blog. My family was telling me to write about my surgery which took place and prior to the surgery that was my idea but sadly, the surgery wasn't adventurous or interesting enough to be shortlisted into the topics on which i would write a long 200-300 word blog post on. To be quiet honest i expected a lot more from my surgery. The image i had about the surgery i was going to go through and what really happened to me were like completely 2 different sides of a coin. What i had thought of was that i would go through a lot of pain the moment the effect of the anesthesia would disappear but the only pain(or feeling to be precise) was a small tingling in my throat. Also my 3 day experience in the hospital ward wasn't fun at all.(No one had ever told me that stays at the hospital ward would be cloud9 moments but i expected more interesting cases and patients around me like those patients in the TV show House but the only type of people i was around was a very old man and a very young kid.... Sounds so interesting.) The only 2 things that i hated about the surgery were that it wasted almost a week of my diwali vacations and that i had been prescribed a huge list of disgusting medicines. 

After my surgery was over my school reopened and my preparations for my 2nd term Unit Tests began which was followed by a week of long exams.  My papers ended last Friday and I had to again sit and wonder what to write on. Being a science student the only thing that usually pops into my head is something related to science which at a lot of times becomes irritating but sometimes also helps me discover stuff i never knew. Also, as my dad talks about philosophy all the time, I tend to mix my science mind with all the philosophy i learned through my own life experiences and the frequent malayalam articles my dad writes.  This made me wander around in the realm between Science and Philosophy, a place which brought up a lot of questions in my mind. Getting more interested to find what Philosophy had to do with Science, I opened a very old book I found at my place named "The story of Philosophy" by Will Durant. Even though i got bored after reaching the 100 page mark i collected a lot from it and tried to paint my own analogy between Science and Philosophy.

"So much of our lives is meaningless, a self cancelling vacillation and futility; we strive wit the chaos about us and within; but we would believe all the while that there is something vital and significant in us, could we but decipher our own souls."
This extract from the book THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY by Will Durant defines life as a philosopher's definition but for teenagers of the 21st century this would just be a combination of complicated phrases combined to form an illogical explanation to something undefined. For a simple teenager, life would simply mean struggling to manage their scholastic and non-scholastic activities as well as in cooperation a small love-life and a large amount of meditation in the form of slumber. But the difference between the definition of life by a philosopher and a teenager isn't much. This is where the beauty of philosophy lies- it isn't something that remains a constant but is in reality a variable whose value solely depends on the perception and belief and not on reasoning and science. What a teenager experiences in his or her daily life makes them realize how the world is.

There is a large bridge between 'Science' and 'Philosophy'.
Philosophy deals with the beliefs and doesn't require reasoning while Science deals with reasoning and required proof. Philosophy questions everything - mainly life and feelings. It was philosophy that created science but it is science that destroys philosophy.  Science eliminates beliefs and applies reasoning.  Yet, philosophy answers to questions which science cannot, including emotions and feelings.

According to me, philosophy provides us explanations to the questions God couldn't answer during the creation of the universe. But when the time comes when science will be able to answer all questions it will mean  the end of the human race,a time where there will be no option of choice and only a set pattern from birth to death; an age which will be ruled by the living dead; a phase when everyone will believe in the past while living the present trying to weave a past as the future. Every person has a reason to live and it is this that distinguishes one person from another; it is this that has let humans evolve and modernize to the place we have reached at present. But this is nothing near the peak of human excellence and it is belief and the art of questioning all occurrences that will lead us to this peak. With an era where no questions left unanswered we will start living a predefined life to reach a predefined death; life of different individuals won't be of importance as the contribution of all will be the same.
The death of Philosophy will be due to Science and it will mean the death of evolution. For a simple school-going-teenager life pretty much already seems predefined but what the youth doesn't understand is that destiny is written by us and not by the Almighty. Only we have the right to hold our quill and write down our destiny. 
I don't believe in fate; what i look at is my destiny. Though they seem the same they are completely different. Fate is predefined; it tells you what WILL happen to you and not what CAN happen to you. We cant choose our fate but we choose our destiny. We define our destiny and try to reach it; Fate is independent of our decisions and beliefs while destiny solely depends on our aspirations and desires. There is only one thing which 'fate' decided in our life and that is death. Philosophy helps us look at things through different perspectives while Science focuses only on one perspective.
This is what makes the difference.  


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Physics! Why are you messing with me?!

Class 11th is simply horrible. Not because you have to learn 2 bulky books for the final exam and also not because of that freaking huge shift in syllabus. It is simply because of a freaking sick  7 letter word which is sadly the reason why this world -


Life isn't simple and everyone knows that as it wasn't supposed to be. God was probably going through some psychological trauma when he created this world but he never realized how shitty and complex the world was. Then he made the greatest mistake he could have ever done, creating the human race. Humans needed an explanation to everything and that is what has lead to the world we all live in now. After torturing the human brain for centuries human beings were able to provide the reason for everything irrelevant but nothing relevant and named it something which itself told you how sick it is - Physics. Claiming how the world runs scientists dedicated their lives trying to unravel the mysteries of the world which were results of great ideas and devotion but are of complete waste of time. I know there will be many Physics lovers sitting and reading this and you will be completely against my way of thinking but hold on to your horses, give me some more time to explain the "Physics behind this irrelevant Physics."

I would like to start from the basics we learn from class 8 and move on to the shit we learn in 11th and 12th. The first time I was introduced to Physics was through this small chapter in our class 8 textbook titled - "Friction". With many illustrations and hardly any text it look as one of easiest and most attractive chapters in our 8th grade Science textbook. What the chapter taught us was simply where we experience friction and why we experience friction. Then I saw the same chapter being repeated in class 9 but now the illustrations were replaced by half-page numericals which made us calculate when the ball will stop when rolled on a surface and how much force we need to apply to make the ball move a certain distance. It sounds helpful in real life as we dont need to experiment these situations to find the values, but wait! Then I found this small line printed beside the questions which said :
"We neglect air resistance"
So these half page numericals make us calculate values which occur only in hypothetical situations and are completely irrelevant to the real value we want. This is what scientists do; they take the assumption that the world is perfect and dedicate all their lives on calculations and theories which work only in impossible situations. 
So in conclusion what we learn in our science classes are about cases which are NEVER going to happen. 

Now we come to class 9 and 10 where we learn about the Newton's apple which destroyed many science-loving-souls i.e. Gravitation. A very simple, obvious and easy theory which Newton stated is another example of Irrelevant Physics. I again accept the fact that life on Earth wouldn't be possible without the presence of the invisible force but the irrelevance comes to the facts, laws and theories we learn about Gravitation. All the formulas Newton derived for gravitation were done under one condition which is that all external forces other than gravitational force must be ignored. So the same conclusion arises again i.e. such cases are never going to happen. An object will never be accelerating at the rate of 9.81 meters per seconds squared because of the influence of the ignored forces like air resistance, viscous friction and other crap. 

Physics till here was bearable but then came the Expressway to Hell when we enter the realm of class 11th Physics which roamed around theories and beliefs which had no relevance to common man's life. Some simple examples would be Vectors and Thermodynamics. Just to fiddle some more with the budding minds of the future generations scientists came up with the theory of Vectors, something which was, is and will be one of the most useless topics ever being taught in Physics. The simple explanation of velocity which made complete sense to us in class 10 morphed into the unknown suddenly as we enter 11th grade. What earlier used to be represented as 5km/hr to the direction North-West now turned into 3i(cap)+4j(cap)km/hr. How does this make sense and how does it create a difference?! In the end no one is going to refer to the velocity of something in reference to a cartesian plain.
  Then comes the stupidity of Thermodynamics. Physics wasn't miserable enough that they had to add another topic of complete irrelevance into its Contents page. This topic mainly includes stuff like how much energy is lost or how much heat is produced when something reacts with something at a specific temperature and pressure. If possible try to explain it to me how can knowing the amount of energy lost by a compound during its reaction with something else be of possibly any use to anyone? Even the compound itself won't care about the energy it looses but scientists have to poke their finger into everything possible. Even if it were of any use, the calculations and laws are applicable only if the reactions take place at a specific temperature and pressure but the world isn't like a science lab where everything can be controlled. 

In short I do agree that life runs around Physics, but life doesn't run around the Physics we learn all day.

Now there are some people who may say that Physics also applies is psychology and I am here to prove them wrong again. I would like to quote a Physics lover who was in a conversation with a Gandhian some time ago-
"In Physics there is this concept of Uncertainty. You can never do two things at once, if you do so both won't give the correct results, one has to be a wrong result due to the uncertainty in one of the results. Even life is like that. You can never be certain about something you do."  
 The above statement made by this Physics lover who was trying to support Physics sadly contradicts her own stand. Physics itself makes so many assumptions and tries to prove everything right without any uncertainty. Sadly, Physics has as many flaws as life and you can never be certain about the result you get. Also, defending the fact that Physics also applies in psychology I would simply like to say that Physics only works if we take the maximum number of assumptions to create the perfect environment but life isn't that simple that you can randomly make assumption to make it perfect; life cant be explained through theories and relations through mathematical calculations but can only be explained by it itself. Taking assumptions isn't an option in life as it just makes life more of a mess than it is from the start.

So to all those Physics lovers who still don't believe in the "Physics of irrelevant Physics" I have only one thing to tell you - 
 Enjoy wasting your life when you can live it a 100 times better.

May the (Mass x Acceleration) be with you.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


                This is not the usual stuff I write on my blog but as I sit on my sofa listening to our Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaking at Madison Square Garden, I am genuinely impressed as well as fortunate that I was able to live through an age where our country could get such a great Prime Minister like Modi. People have different views of seeing this man who is not only going to change the face of this country, but also the way in which bharat will change.  Good governance is essential for India's progress and I believe it is this man who will lead us to that step.

Politics is something which the youth isn't interested at first and due to this did we used to see that the total vote bank from the youth was less. But it is this old man who is standing for the youth. He isn't just a usual old man who is a part of the democracy of the country, but a man who understands the youth and acts as he is a part of this youngistaan.  It is only because of this man and Arnab Goswami that I got interested in Indian politics. 

            Being the youth he talks about and represents, as I see this speech on the television I am motivated and touched. 

"The people's blessings is God's blessing... People are the representatives of God." 
            As he thanks the Indian crowd in America for helping him in his election, he says that he never asked for God's blessings as people's blessing were God's blessings. If he got the people's blessings, it means that God is on his side. He is just another person among the million Indians and it was these million that gave him their blessings to run their land.

"India has 3 things which no other country has all together...Democracy - Youth - Demand."

The largest democracy in the world has the largest Youth population in the world. It is this youth that will lead the country forward and it is in India that this youth is willing to be a part of the running of the country and those who aren't voice their concern their voices and demands. India is an open voice with no restrictions and will flourish as this youth will bring this country to the top and change the fate of this country. America is the oldest democracy but India is the largest democracy.

"Everyone around the world come and settle in America ... Indians are settled everywhere around the world."

We are the people who allow this machine(the world) to work and move on. Anywhere in America, you will be able to find a potpourri of different people form different countries blending together. But anywhere around the world, you will be able to find an Indian. We have no reason to look back.

"It is my dream to see a time when every Indian will believe that India must move forward and I know that today's youth will lead us to such a time."

 It is this man himself who will lead the youth and lead the country to a time when everyone will believe so. The youth believes in him and he believes in us and this is what will lead the country to a time where India will be the unstoppable force. "My strength is 125 crore Indians." ; and for the youth it his him that will be our strength and lead us forward.

"I was not made the Prime Minister to handle pity issues. I was made the Prime Minister to change the country."

He believes that he can change the country by starting small and ending big; by doing small but aiming big.
"I will make India the country of your dreams."

India is about to change.... just wait and watch as we reach the top.


#ModiAtMadison :) 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Conversation

"Oh creature, who are you?"
I asked to the chasing shadow
Who then did unveil itself
From the darkness but its face won't show.

With silence as the reply
In mere oblivion both stood
One in anticipation of an answer
The other trying to escape if he could.

But with all the strength it had
the creature did reply,
"Oh! This little big planet won't help me much
I should better start learning to fly."

Confused by its own words it spoke
Unaware of what it meant.
It collapsed under its own frustration
And a shriek of rage it sent.

"Oh God!"Forgive me for I have sinned,
And I plead for no more punishments
For this life itself is the most painful one
And I suffer in all its encroachments."

"Oh creature, who are you?"
I asked again to the sinner that in front of me stood.
Who there stood still in the darkness
Being as emotionless as one could.

"Pain is what destroys one's soul
and makes the being a hollow
which then lusts for pain and lives for blood
A human soul is made too shallow.

Life is a game which can't be won
But fate is an opponent that can be defeated
Death is a stage which cant be overseen
But destiny is a level which can be created.

Still to do all this in the darkness I live in
Is like finding the light at the end of an infinite tunnel.
With having hopes and beliefs in here as a sin
Death and pain being the only things to crave for.

Memories once consumed are hard to forget
But dreams once seen are hard to remember
Nightmares once been in are hard to escape
And life once gone through, you don't want to remember."

"Oh creature, who are you?"
Impatiently I asked the lost dweller
Who lost in memories now stood
And continued being the story teller.

"Love is a lie that breaks one's heart
and clenches him in its unbreakable spell
Which brings shades of white in a life of black
But throws us back into a place known as hell.

With trusts all broken
I'm living a life of no reason
A world where its always dusk
With no change of season.

As a drop of tear
Vanishes in the big wide sea
In this sorrowful world
I'm lost for none to see."

"Oh my friend, what kind of life you live
Tears flow down as I hear your lore.
But also laugh I do at your destined fate
So i would like to know no more.

Just I want to know whose fate are you?"
And then did the creature step outside
With its head bowed down low
But now its face it didn't hide.

As I saw its visage my body went shivering
For all this time it was ME who was speaking.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The God Of The New World

 Lately I was thinking a lot about what to write my next post on and sadly nothing popped into my head. I was kind of sad thinking that I had nothing going on in my mind. You see, its tough to think of a good enough topic to write a blog post on in a blog which hardly anybody reads other than me, myself and I. But the problem is that whenever this busy mind of mine is at work trying to unravel the mysteries of my own life people come and create ripples in my thought process. Sometimes I come up with such vivid ideas to write my blog post on but suddenly someone would come and disturb me throwing away these ideas to the darkest dimensions of my mind. I believe every mind has a bermuda triangle in it and whenever something goes there, it completely disappears without a trace. The only problem I face is that all my ideas end up falling in that area. So I thought of writing this post as soon as possible so that the present idea which is in my mind doesn't fall into this area of nothingness. Even though this idea maybe the most boring ones among all the other ideas which had popped into my head, you can't blame me, its nature. But before I start the real stuff I want to talk about there as some things that bug me a lot these days. My parents are so behind me these days. My dad on one side believes that whenever I am not sitting on my table and not studying I am wasting time which is quiet irritating cause whenever I get up to even get a bottle of water I get comments like - "Don't waste time... Time is precious .... Go study!" Its like my body was designed to just study and because I am not doing what was programmed into me I am getting many virus alerts after every five minutes. That is not the main problem I am going against these days. My mom is becoming a Columban and that completely sucks. If you had read the previous post of mine about The Columban Ideology then you would be having a pretty good idea of what Columbans think of about girls. Just for a small recap, Columbans believe that every girl who is your friend becomes your crush or your girlfriend. This is what I have to go through everyday in school, surrounded by humans who assume Columbans can never have a girl - friend and if they have one she becomes his girlfriend. Being used to that atmosphere for the past 12 years, I have no problem with it but I can't staying in that same atmosphere in home too. I have some friends in my colony who I chat with and when my mom found out that I have some girl-friends among these, she started getting on my nerves. Everyday she would ask me questions like -

                "How is __________(can't give the name.... :P)?"

"Is ___________ ignoring you?"

                                          "Niranjan, _________ is good. I like her"

These series of questions become very irritating when being hear almost once a day. Its like the indirect way of telling me that I shouldn't interact with girls at this age or at least even if I do not so much. What I don't understand is that even though I wrote a 2-3 page blog on Girls and clearly stated there that I am not interested in such things why do you need to keep bugging me. Also I have noticed that since that blog post, my parents are even more concerned about who I talk with and who I don't. My blog's purpose was to stop that but I believe my post didn't show the effects I hoped it would.

Leaving all this and coming to what I really wanted to say. I had written this short story lately named SINS whose first chapter I had posted on my blog too and I liked the story line so much that I felt that I should write a complete book on it and that is what I am trying to do these days. The problem is that all the free time I have, I end up thinking about what I should write in continuation of my story. The thing is SINS is a murder mystery novel due to which what my mind usually thinks about is interesting and intriguing ways of killing people without a detective being able to solve it. You see, to write a murder mystery novel , you have to put yourself in the murderer's shoes. Here is when I found out that being a serial killer is the most difficult profession in the world. I really mean it. Becoming a doctor may be tough cause you have to mug up a lot of difficult words; or a judge cause he makes the decision for all cases representing the people; or a surgeon cause the life of a human depends on his hands. But a serial killer has to think of many other things. Even for him a human life depends on his hands but the only difference is that a surgeon has to save a life while a killer has to destroy it. Saving a life only needs love for other human souls but it is tougher to take away life cause you have to overcome all your fears and execute the murder perfectly. The catch isn't here; the main thing the murderer has to think of is not only killing his victim, but also to leave no trace of himself. Even a second of diversion and you have put an end to your life too. A surgeon doesn't need to care about his own life but a murderer is playing with two lives - one which he has to slay and the other which he has to keep safe.
You can't be a human when you are killing people, who have to become a higher race for sometime. Such a race whose moves cannot be predicted by the inferior humans. A human serial killer can never be successful, but a monster always lives forever but still is found nowhere. A monster not only knows how to execute a perfect murder but also predict the moves of the humans behind him and always stay a step ahead. He has the ability to play with others minds even without talking to them and make them do what he wants with no strings attached. According to me the IQ of a perfect murderer would be higher than anyone imaginable and to catch someone like this you would require a monster on the good side too. Only a fiend can destroy a fiend cause that's what destiny is. Humans are simple a minor race considered to demons and monsters. 

 But this is not where my main question lies. What would be do if a monster would be on our side? Would we still try to get rip of it? Or would we use it at our own advantage? What I mean to say is that what if there is a murderer who helps humans in general? Sounds odd but it is a valid question. What would we do if there is some human in the corner of the world who kills all the bad people without leaving a trace of himself? He has the ability to kill anyone he wants but uses it to kill all the rapists and murderers and thieves of the world so that he can make the world a better place. A person who doesn't harm innocents but punishes all sinners. What would we do if such a being existed amongst us but we had no clue who he really is? Would we come together and try to find this person so we can kill him for taking many lives or would we worship him for making the world a cleaner place? Would we try to destroy this monster or make him the God Of The New World? 

 Humans have a tendency to only see the wrongs and completely forget the rights. For once think deeply, considering all pros and cons of such a human. Would he be a boon or a curse for mankind? Would he be the destruction or the creation of a new world? 

 I to be honest would support such a God and if been able to have such powers and talent, would do the same. Yes, you may think of me being foolish but for me a sinner deserves death, not an innocent and I could go to the extent of sinning to destroy such a sinner. I also know that I just contradicted myself by saying sinners should face death and that i would sin, but I would freely accept death if I could clean the world from all sinners. I am not saying that I would ever become a killer in the future or I have any intentions to become one. What I am trying to say that I would like the world to be a cleaner place, even if it meant losing my life for it. I believe the existence of such a person would allow the normal people to walk peacefully due to their belief of the sinners being punished while the sinners wont do anything afraid of being this God's next target. 

 I would like to get others opinions too. On whose side would you be? The side of humanity or the side of punishment?

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Variables

"I, a silent constant in an equation with hundreds of variables"
-Arnav Aggarwal

Even though I do strongly support the fact that teaching stuff like linear equations and algebra is going to do no good to us in our entire lifetime, I have still deduced one important life lesson from it-

 Life is like an algebraic expression, with many variables but with little or no constants. Everyone can represent their lifetime into a simple algebraic expression, where you are the only constant while everything else is a variable. You are the only silent constant in an equation with hundreds of variables.

 Even though i am just bringing up more stupid relations, being a science student this would be the best way possible for me to explain my theory. In Chemistry, there is a very broad topic known as Resonance. The main thing about resonance is that a compound of the same formula can be of different types by simply rearranging the bonds here and there. So what happens is that in reality one structure does not completely explain all the properties of the compound but a mixture of all its resonances together explain the properties. One structure gives us only limited information about that compound.  

 Just like that different people would define a person in different ways. If i ask a description about myself from my class mates i will get one set of qualities I have, while if I ask my parents I will get another set of qualities and when asking my teachers I will get my other qualities. Together all these qualities MAY be defining me as a whole, but no individual could give all my qualities together. Through the powers of observation I deduced that everyone of us is a variable for one another, no one knows the others true value. Only we ourselves know who we are in reality. For us we are the constant while everyone else is a variable. We know who we are and what our intentions are, what the others do is just put in values and try to figure out what is our value. The true identity is only known to us and us only. 

 A linear equation has just one solution while a quadratic has two and so on. This world is filled up of infinite variables and many more are being born every day, therefore there are infinite solutions to us. No one, not even a God can predict or solve all the solutions of the variable you are other than you yourself. Thus at an individual level, you are more superior than God, you know what is the impossible but what really separates you from the rest is how easy it is to find all your solutions.

No student likes a tough equation or algebraic expression as it becomes a very lengthy and tiresome process to solve it. The simpler the variable is, the more the people will like it. I don't mean to say that if you have less solutions it is good, not at all. Being a person with only one solution is very bad as it will always be used against you. A variable never wants to become a constant, it likes to have a suspense. But I also believe that you should never have an infinite supply of solutions as then a person can never really trust you as you would always have a new card to play. 

 Your identity must not be known completely, but it should also not be that you change your solutions so that even the answers people deduce end up wrong. What you express should be correct and should solve the equation/expression. The existence of a two-face variable with infinite but number solutions is what causes the disturbance in the equation.

 Different variables have different solutions but on the other hand there may also be different variables with the same solution. A person may have 'n' number of qualities in him among which some may also be very rare to find in a person. But that person shouldn't think great of himself because of that quality inherited by him cause there are many others in this world carrying the same qualities. 

 There is a difference between a Show-Off and a Liar. 

A show-off is the variable which wants it to be solved or on the other hand gives away its solution to people. Such kind of an equation is mostly ignored at the end cause of not being a challenge while those with weaker brains prefer sticking to them and thinking of knowing all because of solving such  a variable. 

 A liar is a variable who has too many cards to play at a time. He keeps on changing its value so no one can ever recognize his true identity. But when he is caught and his real self is discovered, he manipulates the complete equation so its solution really becomes correct and he is left unharmed. Such a variable usually ends up lonely and heartbroken as none trust him and can't have any emotions for him cause of the high uncertainty.

 This world is too big to understand but on the other hand too small to oversee. We humans usually end up succumbing into our own merits and qualities forgetting the rest. Holding your head up high and shoulders wide won't help if you haven't sweat enough for it. 
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. 
This world has been having the greatest war in history of mankind since the birth of the man - the war between the true self and the conscience. 

Only if you know who you really are can you indulge in other's lives. Only if you trust somebody enough to tell them your true identity can you love someone. Only if you really know how a person really is can you hate someone. Only if you really know the problem of others can you help someone. Only if you know the real pain of what others are going through can you place your shoulder for someone. Only if you know who the person really is can you judge someone. 

 I never knew that a beast lived infested inside of me for a long time. I used to believe that I was the perfect human created by God to fulfill his desires and make the world a better place. I never knew my own solutions and I tried to do all the above. Life isn't that simple, you will have to take detours and suffer misery to later live a life of ecstasy. I took many years to find out who I really am and what I am capable of doing. It is natural to hate the beast you are within but life always throws opportunities at you where that beast is what gives you the upper hand, it is what makes you the best among st the rest. 

 I do fear the beast in me but what I have discovered is that my beast does have the powers others may not have and this is what makes me different. I know what are my capabilities and my strengths but what is more important is to know your weaknesses. Life is a race and if others find your weakness before you, you will be crushed and left behind. Your weakness are also your strength while your strengths can become your weaknesses. 

 As they say, you need to stay close to your enemy. You are your own enemy and the more you get to know about him, the better. 

I was just a silent constant among many variables, but now its my time to stand up and speak. I am silent no more, I am awake and alive and ready to move on.     

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Preview to "Sins" by Niranjan

I do believe in angels. But these angels aren't the ones commonly known to man. I do believe in demons. But these demons aren't the ones commonly known to man. Demons do reincarnate in the mortal world as humans, these demons feed on sins, blood and hatred. These are what keep them immortal.

Their bodies are not agile enough to digest happiness and love.

Happiness rusts their body till it crumbles to sand so they stay away from these deeds which they would refer to as "Sins".

  For them hatred is food, sins are like water and for them blood is their soul. Committing sins is what keeps them alive; planting the seeds of hatred is what keeps them walking and the blood-lust is what keeps them killing.

 The world is too perfect if only with angels. Rivers will flow with peace and prosperity. Nature will grow and the world will echo the baritone of birds chirping. Streets will show off their green beauty as people will bless others even after they merely reached the threshold to death cause of the other.

 This world in the mortal world is known as 'Heaven'.

 The world would be too corroded if only with demons. Rivers will rage with frustration and anger. Nature will decay in the burning bowels of death and the world will reverberate the shrieks of birds screeching. The streets will hide their bleeding beauty as people will slay others so none reach the threshold to happiness. 

 This world in the mortal world is known as 'Hell'.

 The world would be too simple if only with mortals. Rivers would flow with elegance but with fear. Nature will perish as recreated and the world will be in silence for all birds will keep shut. The streets will weep in despair but laugh simultaneously as people will over take others to reach either the threshold of success or failure.

 This world in the mortal world is known as a 'neighborhood'.

 But the world isn't that simple. If the world would have been this simple, we may not have been living in the world we live now. Thus some demons escape from hell to this world while some angels escape from heaven.

 A neighborhood with such angels in disguise are commonly known as a 'friendly neighborhood'. But such vicinity is more of the unfounded truth. Why you would wonder?

 Heaven's angels are selfish beings. Being used to the cloud 9 vicinity, their bodies can't function in the monotonous atmosphere present in the colossal wreck of the mortal world.

 For Christians, who mostly believe in angels and demons, the 7 sins consist of basic human instincts like envy, lust, gluttony, greed and selfishness.

 Angels do commit sins. All angels commit sins. For sins you need to pay a price and so do the angels. 

 Centuries ago a dagger was stolen from the depths of hell by angels which was found by the Gods.

 Another sin.

 Since then this dagger has been used to rip the back of these sinners till it completely tears them apart and their crystal white blood flows down for decades till the ruptured skin regenerates. But the blood stays intact, materializing into white wings. This was another form of punishment for the sinners. As the wings moved, it tore the skin resulting in excruciating pain.

 Pain is a relative term. The more pain you bear, the less you call it pain. After you become used to this pain, you start craving for this pain. Wings were supposed to differentiate the sinners from the angels, but later it became a luxury. All sinned for now it started depicting holiness. 

 Angels sinned while on the other side there were demons who never sinned. They let their bodies decay in the happiness and rust in love. They resisted the urge to kill and build hatred. Such demons were thrown out from hell to corrode to death. 

 I do believe in reincarnations. But these reincarnations aren’t the ones commonly known to man. Usually in reincarnations, the person forgets his past and what all he did in his previous 7 lives. But reincarnations occur so that the people can finish the deeds undone. Humans aren’t the only things that reincarnate. Even angels and demons do in any form depending on the sins committed by them.

 Demons with pure heart who decay themselves in happiness usually reincarnate as angels. Rebirth occurs to fulfill what you haven’t done in your previous lifetime. Such occurs for demons too. These angels build a sense of hatred and lust for blood in them. These angels aren’t like the normal demons. They exceed their hatred and disgust. They end up devoting their angelic life to murder and search for pain. Such rebirths are referred to as Hell’s Angels. The hell’s angels evolve to maintain a balance in heaven but when the situation becomes fatal is when they escape to the mortal world. Hell’s angels love pure blood but what they crave for is mortal blood which is easiest to find in self obsessed species, especially humans. Bloodshed fills the streets and the world gets covered in blankets of red. Such hell’s angels do fall from the sky and whenever they fall so does mankind.

The Gods of Death work tirelessly day and night, traveling from dimension to dimension ripping souls apart from dying bodies. They are the selfless workers who can’t even enjoy being Gods. Deciding who lives and who doesn’t wont be the best example of being selfless because you are ripping apart the life of others but when you are a God and you aren’t able to act like one cause of all the work you have to do you have the right to call yourself selfless. The job of these Gods are so repetitive and boring that the only form of entertainment these Grim Reapers have is to see how the person dies and how their families suffer in grief or celebrate due to the corpse taking a trip of no return.

 The real entertainment these Grim Reapers get is when Hell’s Angels fall into the mortal world. This is what makes these Angels even more dreaded and powerful. When you have the God of Death by your side, you don’t need to lust for blood as it will be served on a golden platter to you. It ends of making you the God of the Mortal World as you bestow the power to kill anyone even without name or face. What we mortals should pray for is that a Hell’s Angel doesn’t fall of the sky during our time of mortality.

 Mr. and Mrs. Shah weren’t so lucky. Not only because the Hell’s Angel descended to the human world during their mortality but because the hell’s angel descended as their own son. A son can be a gift but can also lead to a life of eternal torture. A son can either build up love for his parents or sow the seeds of hatred for them. A son can either be on the side of his parents at all times or try to find an opportunity to stab them behind their back.

 Langohr Shah was born to a well educated and cultured royal family from Rajasthan. Floral designs covered the mansion as the royal family celebrated the birth of the next heir. Who would have ever imagined that this innocent boy’s aim was not to rule a small city of Rajasthan which was in reality under the power of a parliament but to find and hunt his prey - mankind.

 As kids Hell’s angels don’t show their real intensions of hunting but become real angels and start stealing the trust of all. Langohr was different. His parents named him such an unusual name which meant “stealer of the heart” in their dynastic script but it changed to Latin Langour meant “Angel of Death”. Destiny prevails over all other factors which decides the life of an individual.

 Langohr never build hatred for his parents or anyone in the royal family. He had no feelings at all. Emotionless he used to stray inside the mansion trying to be as alone as possible. Mrs. Shah found this behavior to be oddly disturbing and at the age of 10 they sent his to the family psychiatrist Mrs. Desai, so that he could share his feeling and what troubled him.

 After the first appointment only Langohr’s attitude changed drastically, but not in any good way. He never used to speak to anyone before and some used to believe he was dumb and the royal family was just hiding the truth but now he started speaking, or to be more appropriate he started making noises. He always had a grin on his face and whenever someone would ask him a question he would smirk and go away. Worried even more Mrs. Shah took Langohr to the psychiatrist again but by the time they reached the hallway they collided with Mr. Shah who stood baffled as he held the daily newspaper in his hand. Langohr snatched it from his father and saw the black and white photo of Mrs. Desai and the headlines showing – ‘Royal shrink hangs herself in bedroom’
 It remained a mystery for all about why such a rich and successful women would kill herself. The only people who knew the well kept secret were Mrs. Desai and Langohr. One had already gotten rid of so the world was safe from knowing that the demon had already come to its surface. But Langohr wasn’t like the other Hell’s angels, he wanted attention and fame. He wanted to tell the world who he was and that all should fear him. Building such a mentality at the age of 10 had to suck attention. His next move was something no one saw coming and it provided the perfect platform for him to tell the world who he was.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stronger Than I Was

"But You won't break me
You'll just make me stronger than I was
Before I met you, I bet you I'll be just fine without you
And if I stumble. I won't crumble 
I'll get back up and uhhh
And I'mma still be humble
'Cause I'm stronger than I was"
-Marshall Mathers a.k.a. Eminem

Even though this is a guy you shouldn't quote I kind of found this set of lyrics appealing. I was sitting and studying for my upcoming test this weekend along with listening to songs. I know you shouldn't listen to songs while studying, but according to me when you are doing maths its acceptable. As trying to read between the lines during trigonometry this song "Stronger than I was" starts playing and i don't know why but I immediately remember this close friend of mine. 
This guy has inspired me since I met him and as I have worked with him side by side at many occasions I know that this guy is just Legend....wait for it.....dary.
I don't know why but as I heard that song I was made to write a blog on this guy cause he has taken a place in life and even when I would be waiting on my wheelchair for the Grim Reaper to come and take me with him I would remember that guy even if I never meet him after graduation.

I still remember... I first met him in Class 8.
The day had just started and Mrs. Durga was trying to make the history of India interesting but we had already gone through the same history again and again since 5th grade. As we all tried to find an interesting topic to discuss an anonymous student entered the class. His hair folded to the right, spectacles right up his nose and his uniform finely pressed. The first thing that struck me was that he was either of the two - (a) He is a nerd who is just going to be the teacher's pet ; (b) He is another Rat who has entered the house and will just be a nuisance for the forthcoming years. Had I never hoped that 3 years after that I would be writing a blog post on him.
Mrs. Durga introduced him to the class as Shivam Parashar. I never imagined that I could blend with him and so I ignored him for 2 days but later I was made to interact with him by Mrs. Durga. Our school has a system of Clubs, where every week you have 2 periods when you can be a part of an extra-curricular activity of your interest. That year they had brought a new Club called the LEADERS CLUB and i don't know why but I was the only eighthie
who was in the Club. The rest were all class 9 and 10 seniors. Mrs. Durga had to submit the club Shivam would be a part of and she asked him what Club he wanted to be in. He stood mumm. Then she laughed and suggested him to join the Leader's Club. Turning towards the class of 50 she asked all the students in the Leader's Club to stand and like a needle in the haystack I was the only one standing. Therefore I was forced to interact with him. The same day we had a prefect of our class De-Badged and we were stunned as our Discipline in-charge took that prefect's ID card and hung it around Shivam's neck. No one did ever expect that a student who had joined 5 days ago would be chosen as a prefect while students who had been trying to win the trust of the teachers for 8 years couldn't be one. In 5 days in the St.Columba's he had made history. I had to interact with him. Weekly we met in our Leader's Club as the only 8th grade students and I found out that we had many things common. But what got us closest to each other was an idea which had struck him about a month after we met. He thought that we should write a novel together, a classic fantasy with plot twists and a climax. Even before we thought about the plot we started dreaming about Danny Boyle calling us asking us the rights for the book so he could make the next Academy Award winning movie. It was a hilarious set of weeks when we both thought of it as a joke but later it struck us that we could seriously write a very interesting book together and we started taking the idea seriously. After one correct year we completed our book -"Solstice : Dragon Mountains". Even though the book saw no future it was a great experience.
In 9th grade he again became a prefect but I wasn't much behind being a prefect too myself. The mistake I made was note applying for the most of the Vice Head Prefect. Shicam was a step ahead of all of us and that was what we all didn't realize. We thought he was a new student and we ended up underestimating him.That was our main mistake. He amazed our batch once again by being chosen as the Vice Head Prefect of our batch. In 2 years he had earned the respect of all the students and the teachers which even i couldn't do in the last 9 years. That day, when his name was announced as the Vice Head I changed the way of perceiving the guy. He had become my main competition, a rival who I had to keep close to myself. I had to get to know his weaknesses and use it against him. Everything is fair in love and war... and this was War. A war to prove myself better. What I learned from movies was that you had to keep your rivals close to you and that is what I did. I read him, understood him and used it against him. The next platform available to me was class 10. I tried to stay ahead of Shivam and also applied for the Head Prefect and after a series of interviews and heart-stopping moments I got the opportunity to prove myself. I became the Head Prefect and we came neck-to-neck again. I do believe that if Shivam wouldn't have been chosen as the Vice Head, I would have been pushed into applying and trying so hard to be the Head Prefect and achieving that goal. He forced me into working hard. I hope you are reading this man. If you are I just want to say that I respect you and I thank you from deep within my heart for changing my life and making it better. You made be Stronger Than I Was. 
Last week we both along with 3 other students amongst the batch of 250 were shortlisted for the Columban Of The Year. After a set of interviews conducted by the Principal and the Headmistress today it was announced that Shivam is the Columban of The Year. I do confess that I was pretty sure that he would be the Columban Of The Year but this will just make me work harder into proving myself equal to or better than him. Also congratulations for the accomplishment. I respect you man but don't forget me, I will try my best to cope up with you and beat you. We haven't yet reached the end of the road. The winner of the race is the person who reaches the finish line first, not the person who takes the lead while running. I am at present behind you but don't slow down cause i and gaining pace.

You and I are the type of rivals who will always  meet other in our race to the finish but will help each other when we both face a problem. I just want to tell you one thing Shivam, the race isn't over yet and the Sword Of Honour still remains to grab. Don't underestimate me for maybe I can beat you if I put my level best. Lets see who wins the race and whoever does, no hard feelings.

Monday, June 23, 2014


            “ “…so how much force should to applied on the body M in this direction so that the body remains in an equilibrium?”
            Mrs. Sharma glances towards XII-D to see 30 blank faces. Amongst the crowd one hand shot straight up and none of the kids even bothered to look at who it was.
            “Ma’am, for the body to remain in equilibrium we will need to apply a total of force 35N.”, the student confidently answered.
            “Thank you Shaurya. You may sit.” Even Mrs. Sharma wasn’t at all baffled or even slightly impressed by the 16 year old boy’s answer. He was the only student who according to the teachers ‘has hope’ in succeeding in life.
            Shaurya Aggarwal was the topper of his class right from first grade. He was nurtured to be the perfect student, without flaws or defects. He was brought up in such an environment that he had no connections or any form of contact with any human being outside his condo other than school. His mind was nurtured to dwell in the world of textbooks, a training which took him far ahead of everyone in class though he was lagging behind in the real world. Time doesn’t wait for anyone and thus it didn’t even wait for Shaurya. The world moved on while he still live in the 2000s.
            The school bell rung and all of the students sprinted out of their daily morning prison with their cell mates and a reverberation of different gossips were being heard in the hallway.
            Shaurya put all his books in his bag, double-strapped and slowly walked out of his class.
            “Hey Siddharth, isn’t that the guy you were talking about? I cant believe that he lives in 2014 but doesn’t even have a Facebook account or a phone for himself. What a nerd.” A whisper hit Shaurya’s ear. When some more loud whispers followed haunting him, he quickly walked towards his car.
            Initially Shaurya used to ignore all these comments which he used to hear on a daily basis but lately they were starting to torment him. He didn’t understand what he was doing wrong? He was exactly doing what he was being told to do for all these years. During the 30 minute car trip to his house he understood one thing and he wanted to overcome it. He realized that he was a puppet whose hands were tied up and he was doing what he was told to do for all these years, He needed to break the strings and be set free.

            As soon as he reached home he locked his room and turned on the computer. He wondered for a while why he always thought of this machine to supplement his studies and why he never used it to for the more common purposes like Facebook, Youtube or games etc. He quickly erased these thoughts and proceeded to double clicking an icon tagged Internet Explorer. He remembered his elder brother used to use the internet a lot and he used to define it to Shaurya as the world’s largest textbook. Shaurya knew that his brother was mocking him but he did wonder what the extremes of this World Wide Web were. He opened Google and typed in the search bar:
‘How to be Cool’
Many links popped up in front of him but there was one link which caught his eye. It said :
‘How to be a Badass’
He clicked the link and started reading…
            A badass isn’t an annoying prick. He is the man all women secretly desire and all men look up to. Think of badass and there is just one guy I remember: Gru from Despicable Me. He is one real badass and there is no denying that. To be a badass you can do 2 things.
            One, strap your earphones on, play the Despicable Me soundtrack on a loop, walk very slowly with a little bounce in your step and stare at every guy who walks past you with a smug expression.
                        A badass is a guy who doesn’t care about anything. He just exists. Everyone else, well they either serve him or get in his way. A badass isn’t an alpha. He isn’t a bad boy either. He’s just a scary guy who is somehow extremely intimidating yet so darn awesome. Everyone wants to be a badass, because badass makes everything look so cool.
            A badass isn’t a prick who goes hurting people for no reason. He is just an awesome guy who knows he is above other mortal men.
            The most important trait of being a badass is his unpredictable nature. He keeps his secrets close and emotions shut unless he releases it with a vengeance.
Or two, be a badass all the time by following the given instructions:
·        Stop worrying about everyone’s opinions. You know who you are and your loved ones love the person you are. So stop trying to please everyone you meet in life.
·        A badass never fidgets. Nervous wannabes fidget. A badass moves with calculated precision and never cracks his knuckles or shuffles his feet when he is stationary.
·        Badass have a piercing gaze when they’re have a conversation with someone. If they are happy the corner of their lips curls into a small smile. If they are displeased, their expression turns into a grimace that makes anyone feel like they are going to get punched in the face.
·        A badass doesn’t shake or nod their head for every line they hear. When you are having a conversation with someone just stare at them or answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It will intimidate anyone you speak to.
·        A badass is a succinct. Never use six words when you can use one. A badass never indulges in idle conversations. Always keep your sentences short. It will make the other person to talk more and fill in the gaps and that leaves them feeling intimidated.
·        A badass’ smile is a rare phenomenon. It’s seen only on rare occasions. Your smile should feel like a compliment to the other person. So don’t smile unless you are laughing maniacally.
·        Speak in a low and firm voice without a quiver all the time. A man who uses a high pitch is never a Badass, he is the guy craving for attention.
·        Never wait for a thank you. Hold the door open for a girl but leave before she can turn and say thank you. This makes them want to know you.
·        People who are extremely confident and full of themselves always speak slowly because they don’t care about wasting another person’s time. On the other hand if you are a fast talker, be firm and commanding. It has the same badass effect because it reveals that you don’t have time to waste on others. But never let anyone cut you in between when you are talking.

All said and done, a badass is ruthless and emotionless only with the people he interacts with professionally. When it comes to his personal life, he is a very loving, respectful and decent man who cares for his family and loves them to death.
The badass is a wall he builds to protect himself from the lesser mortals and people that don’t matter to him. To the ones he loves, he is warm and caring, and never has an ego.”
            There was an outburst of applause form the crowd. On the stage stood an Indian man who was around his 20s wearing a smart suit and tie.
            A lady hoped onto the stage, “Thank you Mr. Shaurya Aggarwal for spending your valuable time and coming here to TED Talks.”

            Shaurya smirked, then turned back and the curtains fell.